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77441   December 18, 2023
Foreign job, foreign bar, foreign point of view, drinking local liquor, looking, there, at you. Creeping towards evening, but still afternoon, a flight to catch at midnight tomorrow is coming soon. Passport in your pocket, pack and roller bag, visually suggesting she sits here by your side. She rises and glides towards you, a sensual sashay, clicks your drinks together, ‘may I sit?’ she says. Wearing expat casual, a twinkle in her eye, a khaki skirt slides several inches up your thigh. As she sits beside you: “Tell me who you are, drinking local liquor in a local’s bar?” You look and say “when is your flight, to where”, she runs a ringless finger through, her short but sexy hair. A twinkle in her eye, she puts a hand on yours, it’s best to be careful, where to look, and what to find. Ten hours later, eight miles in the sky, drinking name-brand liquor, watching time slide by, her name is Nicole - a casual concubine, you was an easy target, she was quick to find

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